Save thousands of dollars for your business with EV Charging Incentives.

Information for Businesses in the United States only 🇺🇸

With hundreds of EV Charging Incentives available across the U.S., businesses can save thousands of dollars by utilizing available funding. Better yet, Hypercharge can help maximize your savings!

As a business owner, you know the importance of staying ahead of trends and providing top-tier service to your customers. The transition to electric vehicles is no exception. By offering Hypercharge EV Charging at your business, you can attract new customers, increase your revenue, and distinguish your business as forward-thinking and environmentally conscious.

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Reports are currently available for California, Michigan, Texas, and Washington only. By submitting your contact information, you are agreeing to receive emails from Hypercharge. Your email address will never be shared with any third parties, and you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link found at the bottom of every email.

Increase your business’s revenue.

Attract and retain customers.

Position your brand as eco-conscious.

How Hypercharge is different.

Hypercharge is open.

Our vision for a truly carbon neutral future means compatible, holistic solutions that work in harmony among all EV charging providers.

Hypercharge’s OCPP-compliant hardware, software, and network are interoperable with other EV charging providers, meaning businesses and residences can be confident their investment will be protected and will not become obsolete as the industry continues to evolve.

Hypercharge is reliable.

The future of transportation requires reliable, easy-to-use, and convenient charging experiences that ensure the smoothest transition to fully electrified mobility.

By prioritizing a combination of reliable charging solutions and 24/7 customer service, Hypercharge is the leading EV charging company for businesses and residences that care about their users’ experience.

Hypercharge is flexible.

Personalized ownership options that match each property are necessary for the universal and widespread adoption of EV charging.

To make EV charging more accessible to all, Hypercharge has developed charger ownership models including Direct Purchase, Lease, and Charging as a Service (CaaS) to suit a variety of goals, budgets, and capacities. 

Discover how much you’ll save with
EV Charging Incentives.

At Hypercharge Networks, we’re on a mission to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles by providing seamless, simple charging experiences through industry-leading equipment and a robust network of public charging stations.

Head Office

208-1075 West 1st St
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T4



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