
Investor FAQs

Where is Hypercharge Networks Corp. headquartered?

Our headquarters are located at 208-1075 W 1st St, North Vancouver, BC, Canada.

What exchanges are Hypercharge Networks Corp. listed? What are the ticker symbols?

In Canada, our stock is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the ticker symbol HC. In the United States, our stock is available on the OTC market under the ticker symbol HCNWF. In Europe, we’re on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with the ticker symbol PB7.

How can I purchase Hypercharge Networks Corp. stock?

You can purchase Hypercharge shares through various trading platforms. We do not sell shares directly.

What is the Hypercharge Networks Corp.’s fiscal year?

Hypercharge Networks operates on a fiscal calendar from April 1 to March 31.

Who is part of Hypercharge Networks Corp.’s leadership team?

Hypercharge Networks Corp.’s management team can be found here.

Who sits on Hypercharge Networks Corp.'s board of directors?

Hypercharge Networks Corp.’s board of directors can be found here.

Where can I find Hypercharge Networks Corp.’s SEDAR filings?

Hypercharge Networks Corp.’s public disclosure filings can be found on SEDAR+.

Where can I find corporate governance information?

Hypercharge Networks Corp.’s corporate governance information can be found here.

Who is your transfer agent?
How do I contact Hypercharge Networks Corp. Investor Relations?

The Hypercharge Networks Investor Relations team can be reached here.

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